Re: need offline reader for win95

Chin Huang (
Sun, 27 Oct 1996 18:15:29 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, James Huang wrote:
> SET MAILER=<the name of your ISPs smtp server>

Wrong. The MAILER environment variable specifies the external
command Souper should run to send a mail message. You should leave
MAILER undefined by default and let Souper send mail using its
built-in SMTP function. Specify the name of your ISP's SMTP server
on the Souper command line:

souper95 -s your.isps.smtp.server

> SET POP=<the name of your ISPs pop server>

Souper doesn't use the POP environment variable. Specify you ISP's
POP3 server on the Souper command line:

souper95 your.isps.pop3.server userid password