Re: YarnDOS and YarnOS2 at the same time?

James A. Roberts (
Sat, 26 Oct 1996 11:02:40 -0400

>I have two seperate Yarn directories. The DOS version is the one I used
>first, and that's set up like a "normal" Tarn installation. I also have a
>YARNOS2 directory containing the Yarn executables for OS/2. I use two
>separate CONFIG files (since they use different editors and such) and two
>different batch files to control processing, but otherwise they're usig
>the same newsbase and folders.
Could you give more details on how to do this? In I have DOS
Yarn running and would like to try OS/2 Yarn. How do you get the
OS/2 Yarn to share the news base and folders in the DOS Yarn
directory? Thanks

Jim Roberts