Re: YarnDOS and YarnOS2 at the same time?

Richard Steiner (
Mon, 21 Oct 1996 12:06:40 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 21 Oct 1996, Chris Green wrote:

> Is it possible (and/or sensible!) to use both Yarn for DOS and Yarn
> for OS/2 on the same News/mail database?

You bet. I do that here. :-)

I have two seperate Yarn directories. The DOS version is the one I used
first, and that's set up like a "normal" Tarn installation. I also have a
YARNOS2 directory containing the Yarn executables for OS/2. I use two
separate CONFIG files (since they use different editors and such) and two
different batch files to control processing, but otherwise they're usig
the same newsbase and folders.

> Currently user's on the client machines telnet into the OS/2 machine
> and run OS/2 Yarn to read their mail. It would actually be easier in
> many ways if they could run Yarn for DOS on their own machine using
> the Yarn datafiles shared from the OS/2 machine. They could even usee
> WinYarn!

I would think that could be done. I'm doing the sharing of the newsbase
on a single machine, obviously, but if you can get at the files across
the network I can't think why you couldn't use them like you could from a
local drive.

  -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
                     Written online (ugh!) using pine!
                   The Theorem Theorem: If If, Then Then.