Re: Two ?'s

Mark Weinstock (
Mon, 21 Oct 1996 12:06:21 -0500

In article <>, (rare) said something like:
>1) How come I'm the only one who gets a newsgroups-header in my
> articles to this list? Don't y'all use Yarn's mailing list managing
> tools?
>2) What does the "precedence: bulk" header I see sometimes mean? Can it
> contain something else than "bulk"?

My understanding of this is that it is (or MAY be) used by intellingent
routers to prioritize packets. If something is labeled "bulk," it will be
handled like third class mail. Just like the post office prioritizes first
class mail, 'net routers will prioritize on the "Precedence" header. I'm
not sure if this is something actually in use, or if it was just a proposal.

Also, those mass mailer morons use it to prevent you from forging one of
their own autoresponders onto itself or someone else's autoresponder, and
causing a major feedback loop.

> / \
> /__ /\ __\
>"you can kiss it - you can break all the rules" /____\

Random Murphyism:
   Life can be only understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.