Re: YarnDOS and YarnOS2 at the same time?

Richard Steiner (
Sun, 27 Oct 1996 06:12:18 -0600

Here in list.yarn, (James A. Roberts)
spake unto us, saying:

>>I have two seperate Yarn directories. The DOS version is the one I used
>>first, and that's set up like a "normal" Tarn installation. I also have a
>>YARNOS2 directory containing the Yarn executables for OS/2. I use two
>>separate CONFIG files (since they use different editors and such) and two
>>different batch files to control processing, but otherwise they're usig
>>the same newsbase and folders.
>Could you give more details on how to do this? In I have DOS
>Yarn running and would like to try OS/2 Yarn. How do you get the
>OS/2 Yarn to share the news base and folders in the DOS Yarn

(1) I have my DOS Yarn setup in I:\YARN, and my home directory is
I:\YARN\RICH for both DOS and OS/2 versions.

(2) I put the OS/2 programs into I:\YARNOS2. Nothing else.

(3) I created a separate Yarn config file called CONFIG.OS2 to handle
the settings for the OS/2 version (since I use a different editor
and message processor in OS/2 than I do in DOS).

(4) I set the various environment variables for the OS/2 programs
accordingly in the batch file I use to run Yarn:

set YARNRC=I:\YARN\RICH\YARN\config.os2

(5) When I run OS/2 Yarn utilities (import, yarn, expire), I do so from
the I:\YARN subdirectory, and I explicitly call the programs with a
complete pathname (e.g., I:\YARNOS2\IMPORT.EXE, etc.).

That's it, I think. There really wasn't that much to it. Make a backup
of your original Yarn directories first before you start playing with
the OS/2 stuff, but it should work fine.

-Rich Steiner  >>>--->  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
      Written offline using PC Yarn + Yep + FTE under OS/2 Warp 4
            Vuja De - The Feeling You've Never Been Here