Re: Yarn95 just quits!

Debra Walker (
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 17:13:31 -0500

On Sun, 20 Oct 1996 15:13:03 -0500, in yarn.list, (Valerie C. Bock) wrote:

>I've been merrily using Yarn 95 for a few months now, but am
>suddenly having an annoying problem...the program just dumps me
>out to the WIN95 desktop, saving none of the "read" information.
>This seems to happen only when I really need it not
>when I'm plowing through a ng with 400 posts trying to cancel
>out the ones I'm not interested in (yes, I'm an "expire
>-r" kinda gal!)

I, too, am an "expire -r" kinda gal :)...

>I'm guessing this is a memory thing...I'm only running 8megs of
>RAM, but I'm wondering if the large number of posts in a group
>thing contributes to it? Am I truly less likely to run into this
>problem if I keep my newsgroups cleaned out more regularly?

Hello, Valerie.

I run Yarn95 via a BAT file set up in conjunction with Yarn Launcher, a
front-end authored by David Wilson (a user on this list). Prior to
that, I ran Yarn95 via a shortcut. That shortcut pointed to a BAT
file. In Win95, if you create a shortcut, you can always go into
properties, and adjust the amount of initial memory needed for the
environment. I found that, for best results, I could set this for

First, try creating a BAT file to run yarn95. Then, make a shortcut
that will call that BAT file as the executable. Once the shortcut is
established, then go to Properties, and click on the Memory tab. On
that screen, in the Conventional Memory section, under Inital
Environment, change the value from Auto to 1024. Save the changes
(click on Apply), and see what happens.

In short, I think it is a memory issue, but it does not have anything
to do with the amount of RAM you have (I, too, have 8 MB RAM) or the
large number of posts in newsgroups.

HTH. If you need more info or assistance, feel free to email me.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL