Re: Yarn95 just quits!

Debra Walker (
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 18:15:52 -0500

On Mon, 21 Oct 1996 00:30:44 +0100, in yarn.list,
BenGrimm@XS4ALL.NL (Ben C. O. Grimm - Libertatis Praesidium NL -) wrote:

>Check out your news.dat file. Last time Yarn threw me out again
>and again was when my news.dat had grown to an insufferable
>43Meg. I don't know how that can happen when I expire
>*everything* *every time*, sometimes several times a day, but it
>has happened more than once.

Mmm... I didn't consider this possibility. But, you may be on to

Anyway, I run expire -r every day. However, because of previous
pointers from users on this list, I run rebuild -s immediately
afterwards. This method seems to cut down the size of the news.dat
file. I don't know why or how, but it works.


Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL