Re: -Question: Yarn Header & Dynamic Information -

Debra Walker (
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 17:02:28 -0500

On Sun, 20 Oct 1996 10:38:16 -0400, in yarn.list, (D. Wilson) wrote:

>How does one get this kind of dynamic information into
>the yarn Header?
>X-Moon-Phase: The Moon is a Waxing Crescent (24.90% of
> Full).
>I saw nothing in the Yes 0.22 documentation about the
>phase of the moon.

Hello, David.

You can add additional headers in YES 0.22 by creating a text file with
the information, and giving it the *.hdr extension. Then, make sure
that it is in the \YES\HEADERS (or whatever directory path that you
specify for header files in config.yes) directory. Look for the lines
for setting header_dir and header_mask in config.yes.

I was able to set up YES to include the "X-No-Archive: Yes" header
in my Usenet newsgroup postings that way. I created a text file called
noarchiv.hdr in my \YES\HEADERS directory. Also, in the add_hdrs.yes
file, you can modify the X-Info header, too (see my headers),
as per information in the doc file.

HTH. If you need more info or assistance, feel free to email me.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL