Re: Yarn95 just quits!

James Huang (
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 23:50:15 +0200

In mail.yarn, article <>,
(Valerie C. Bock) wrote:

> I've been merrily using Yarn 95 for a few months now, but am suddenly
> having an annoying problem...the program just dumps me out to the
> WIN95 desktop, saving none of the "read" information.

Have also experienced this running Yarn under DOS 6.22 .

> This seems to happen only when I really need it not when
> I'm plowing through a ng with 400 posts trying to cancel out the ones
> I'm not interested in (yes, I'm an "expire -r" kinda gal!)

This is also the reason for my "dumps". Not necessarily trying to delete
messages but always in a newsgroup with a large number of messages
either read or unread.

> I'm guessing this is a memory thing...I'm only running 8megs of RAM,
> but I'm wondering if the large number of posts in a group thing
> contributes to it?

More like the algorith used when opening newsgroup indices and not
closing the index for closed newsgroup. It should (?) be flushed after
closing each newsgroup or folder.

> Am I truly less likely to run into this problem if I keep my
> newsgroups cleaned out more regularly?

Am now running Yarn95 under WinNT 4.0 and have not experienced that
problem. Still on Yarn_091 though I have fetched 092.

Anyone running 092 and faced this problem?
