Re: Yarn95 just quits!

Ben C. O. Grimm - Libertatis Praesidium NL - (
Mon, 21 Oct 1996 00:30:44 +0100

In article <>, (Valerie C. Bock) wrote:

> I've been merrily using Yarn 95 for a few months now, but am
> suddenly having an annoying problem...the program just dumps me
> out to the WIN95 desktop, saving none of the "read" information.

Check out your news.dat file. Last time Yarn threw me out again
and again was when my news.dat had grown to an insufferable
43Meg. I don't know how that can happen when I expire
*everything* *every time*, sometimes several times a day, but it
has happened more than once.

------------ Ben C. O. Grimm -- Libertatis Praesidium NL ------------
Men are like programs. A smart woman keeps a backup.
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