Re: Windows Editor (fwd)

Reznor (
Sun, 13 Oct 1996 14:18:43 +0000

In article <>, you wrote:
>Hello, Dominic.


>I read, with interest, your post regarding using a Win95 text editor
>with Yarn. I now run Win95, and I use the current version of Yarn95.
>However, I have never tried using a Win95 text editor for Yarn
>messaging. I have only ran DOS-based editors for this purpose.
>I have UltraEdit on my system (I forget which version). Could you
>possibly post (or send via email) some sort of description of your
>Yarn95 config setup for using this editor, and how it works (under
>Win95)? I would like to try using it for Yarn messaging, to see how it
>works. Currently, I employ notGNU for DOS (1.9) for this purpose.

Well, I use YES with my copy of Yarn, so i have a batch file (compiled to a
.com file with bat2exec, it gives me weird errors if i have it any other
way) which calls UltraEdit.

@echo off
D:\ultrae~1\uedit32 %2/%1

Since it is a compiled batch file, the true_editor is set to

true_editor = "d:\yes\"

The jump_to_line value in config.yes (so it loads the file and then jumps
to the first line of text) is set thus:

jump_to_line = %line

So, when you reply or followup to something, it invokes UltraEdit, and then
displays "Strike any key when ready...".
BTW, I can mail you a copy of bat2exec if you want, it's only 7Kb...

Dominic Davidson

"There's very good eating on one of these, you know."
        -- Eyeing the tortoise for tea
           (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)