Re: Windows Editor (fwd)

Debra Walker (
Wed, 16 Oct 1996 19:15:17 -0500

On Sun, 13 Oct 1996 14:18:43 +0000, in article <>, (Reznor) wrote:

>Well, I use YES with my copy of Yarn, so i have a batch file (compiled to a
>.com file with bat2exec, it gives me weird errors if i have it any other
>way) which calls UltraEdit.
>@echo off
>D:\ultrae~1\uedit32 %2/%1
>Since it is a compiled batch file, the true_editor is set to
>true_editor = "d:\yes\"


Hi, Dominic.

Thanks for responding. I would like to test it out on my system.

>BTW, I can mail you a copy of bat2exec if you want, it's only 7Kb...

Please DO email me a copy of bat2exec. I run Pkzip, WinZip (Win95),
munpack/mupack (via DOS), and, of course, Yarn95. Just send it as some
sort of encoded file, and I should be able to handle it.


Yes, it does. Thanks again.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL