Re: Souper hiways & byways

Debra Walker (
Wed, 16 Oct 1996 18:29:01 -0500

On Fri, 11 Oct 1996 08:38:56 +0200, in yarn.list, (James Huang) wrote:

>I had posted this earlier but have not seen any mail from yarn-list i a
>few days now. There has been problems with my ISPs' mail queue and I
>would not be surprised that I have been thrown out of this list again.

If you think that you have been unsubscribed from the Yarn list, try
unsubscribing, and, then, resubcribing, as per the instructions in


>Firstly I want to express my gratitude to Debra Walker <>
>and "Big Steve" Coletti <> for their postings and
>advice about the Souper95 setup.

Speaking for myself... Thanks!

>After some procrastination I have jumped in and have now gotten it
>working running under Windows NT 4.
>Now I have some by[the]ways I would like to add:
>1. Souper95 v1.5 seems to be slow when fetching news. Has the speed been
> improved in v1.6?

Personally, I cannot see any difference, on my end. My news server can
be real flaky at times. Sometimes, when using Souper95, it times out
while trying to access the news server. Otherwise, when things are
"normal", I can't see any difference between the two versions, in that

>2. Due to a _big_ mistake (juggling bookmark files in Netscape) I have
> lost the URL to the Souper/Yarn site. Can someone please post/mail
> the URL to the latest versions?

The URL I have is:

>3. Am running Yarn95 0.91 under WinNT with the _old_ setup using Qedit
> v3 in a cmd.exe window. I have a problem with the keyboard every
> other time I start up Yarn95. This is 99% not Yarns' problem since I
> am using a 16-bits DOS-based editor in an environment which has
> problems with foreign language locales (mine is keybdno, cp 850).
> Tips about editors (vi/emacs/pfe32??) which run well from folks who
> are running Yarn(95) under NT in a non-cp 437 environment would be
> appreciated.

Sorry, but I cannot make any comments about this, since I run Win95.

>4. Regarding the kill/score-file. Is it still on the download and wipe
> basis? If so, any chance of getting a kill before download version?
> Else I must start learning how to use the trn kill function.

If you have a score file set up for Souper95 with killfile statements,
then articles that match the expressions listed there are "killed"
before downloading the final packet. Those "killed" articles will not
appear when you load Yarn and view your newsgroups offline. I hope
that this answered your question. If not, please let me know.

>Just before signing off, my dream:
> Hoping for a version of Yarn95 which opens another window for editing
> replies/follow-ups leaving Yarn95 in the original window with the
> capability to move from one message/article to another thus giving us
> users the possibility of creating more compact followups to articles
> in a thread, saving on bandwidth.
> Not being a programmer I have just the (stupid?) ideas and anyone who
> feels called can contact me for a more detailed explanation of my
> dream. <g>

Sorry, but once again, I cannot comment on this. At least, I can say
that I am not a programmer (yet), so I really don't know how to help
you actualize your dream. I hope that someone else can do so.

>New question dated Oct 16, 96:
>Running Souper95 from an icon on NT 4 desktop where the the command line
>reads "SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /K c:\bat\souper95.bat" I get quite
>a few error messages when sending mail. The error messages are
> souper: mailing to
> The name specified is not recognized as an
> internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
> souper: mailing to
> The name specified is not recognized as an
> internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
>and the batch file is as follows


I hope that others who run NT and use Yarn/Souper can help you out
here. Good luck...

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL