Re: Windows Editor (fwd)

Reznor (
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 19:31:41 +0000

-------- Forwarded message --------
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 19:31:03 +0000
From: (Reznor)
To: yarn-list@lists.Colorado.EDU
Subject: Re: Windows Editor

In article <kyaXyQQI8B/>, you wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Jose Ribeiro Pena) wrote:
>>I would like to use a Windows text editor with Yarn95. For example,
>>Notepad or WordPad. It works OK if I don't use the charset ISO-8859-1.
>>Because I need to write in my mother language, Portuguese, having
>>ISO-8859-1 is very important for me.
>>Any hints? Thanks .
>You can use a Windows editor, I'm using Wordpad right now as a test
>myself. I use windows 95 and when the Windows program exits, DOS jobs
>are minimized and I have to click it to get Yarn back. I don't know
>what happens under Windows 3.1.

I have basically always used a Win95 text editor for Yarn. Two particularly
good ones are UltraEdit and TextPad (not sure of URL's - sorry :)). These
have Word Wrap and the like, and UltraEdit even has a column editing mode
which is useful for doing ASCii gfx in sigs.

Dominic Davidson

Greebo's technique was unscientific and wouldn't have stood a chance
against any decent swordmanship, but on his side was the fact that
it is almost impossible to develop decent swordmanship when you seem
to have run into a food mixer that is biting your ear off.
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad)

Asking someone to repeat a phrase you'd not only heard very clearly but
were also exceedingly angry about was around Defcon II in the lexicon of
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad)