Re: Windows Editor (fwd)

Debra Walker (
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 17:00:40 -0500

On Sat, 12 Oct 1996 19:31:41 +0000, in yarn.list,
article <dI/>, (Reznor) wrote:

>I have basically always used a Win95 text editor for Yarn. Two particularly
>good ones are UltraEdit and TextPad (not sure of URL's - sorry :)). These
>have Word Wrap and the like, and UltraEdit even has a column editing mode
>which is useful for doing ASCii gfx in sigs.

Hello, Dominic.

I read, with interest, your post regarding using a Win95 text editor
with Yarn. I now run Win95, and I use the current version of Yarn95.
However, I have never tried using a Win95 text editor for Yarn
messaging. I have only ran DOS-based editors for this purpose.

I have UltraEdit on my system (I forget which version). Could you
possibly post (or send via email) some sort of description of your
Yarn95 config setup for using this editor, and how it works (under
Win95)? I would like to try using it for Yarn messaging, to see how it
works. Currently, I employ notGNU for DOS (1.9) for this purpose.

Thanks, in advance.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL