Re: Windows Editor (fwd)

John Kohnen (
Sun, 13 Oct 1996 08:21:36 -0700

On Sat, 12 Oct 1996 19:31:41 +0000 (Reznor) wrote:
> ...
> I have basically always used a Win95 text editor for Yarn. Two particularly
> good ones are UltraEdit and TextPad (not sure of URL's - sorry :)). These
> have Word Wrap and the like, and UltraEdit even has a column editing mode
> which is useful for doing ASCii gfx in sigs.


I'd like to use TextPad, but I can't figure out how to get it to
automatically jump to a line below the header. How do you do it?

                     John <>
   I have always thought respectable people scoundrels, and I look anxiously
        at my face every morning for signs of my becoming a scoundrel.
                              <Bertrand Russell>