OS/2+VSoup: Does emx09c break OS/2 4.0 (Merlin)??

Hardy Griech (rgriech@ibm.net)
Sun, 13 Oct 1996 18:23:25 +0200

Sorry to the non-VSoup users for the noise!

There is perhaps a problem with the combination Merlin, the emx09c
runtime DLLs and VSoup. The emx runtime DLLs are used by VSoup.

To find the problem and to fix it I am asking all people, which have
Merlin installed, what there experiences with VSoup are - positive and
negative! Could the affected people please fill in the following
'form' and send it to my email address (rgriech@ibm.net)


If you have tested both VSoup1.1 and VSoup1.2 please send two replies
to me!

(0) description for VSoup follows
[ ] VSoup1.1
[ ] VSoup1.2

(1) [ ] VSoup runs on my machine
(2) [ ] VSoup bombs out on my machine

if [x] at (1), have you experienced any problems?

If [x] at (2), please describe the consequence of failure
(e.g. VSoup crashed with SYSxyz, the computer hangs up, other
problems - please detailed as possible):

(3) I am using VSoup for (see below), which parameters do you use:
[ ] news reception, paras:
[ ] news transmission, paras:
[ ] email reception, paras:
[ ] email transmission, paras:

(4) Which emx runtimes do you use (put the emxrev output into the
following lines...)

[emxrev output]

(5) what's the setting of emxopt (type 'set emxopt')

[emxopt value]

(6) which version of OS/2 V4.0 (Merlin) do you use:
[ ] Beta, which Beta:
[ ] Gamma
[ ] GA, which GA (I think only US is out)

(7) have you installed something special? E.g. Merlin with Warp3.0
TCP/IP support...


(8) which other programs of your installation are using the emx
runtimes (you can check with 'PStat /l')? Have you experienced
any problems with those programs and the emx runtimes?

[your comments]

(9) do you use any special software

[your comments]

(10) which dialer do you use?:

Thank you for your cooperation!


Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen