Re: SOUPER95 is unsubscribing me.

Debra Walker (
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 16:50:47 -0500

On Sat, 12 Oct 1996 13:24:23 -0500, in yarn.list,
article <>,
Gregory Perron <> wrote:

>I ususally don't pay attention to souper95 as it imports, so I don't know
>when this happened. However, souper95 has unsubscribed me from several
>newsgroups without my issuing an unsubscribe command.
>Has anyone else had this problem? THey are valid groups on the NNTP server I

FWIW, I have had the same problem with Souper95, in the past.
Sometimes, it has happened when I have terminated the execution of the
BAT file, in the middle of downloading news articles. On other
occasions, this has occurred when I have had some sort of crash with
Souper95 and/or Win95, while doing the same thing. My DUN connections
have been flaky in the past, i.e. sudden disconnects or no response
(abruptly) from the news server. Have you had any of these

This may not be of much help to you. Sorry... I just wanted to let
you know that you were not alone :)...

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL