ANNOUNCE: VSoup version 1.2 for OS/2 Warp

Hardy Griech (
Sun, 06 Oct 1996 21:59:44 +0200

Hello world!

I am announcing VSoup version 1.2, a Souper replacement for OS/2
users. It is the successor of the beta version 1.1, is still free
(and will be forever), source is included, it is still multi-threaded
only for news receiving. A very enhanced version of YarnIo is
contained, which allows simultaneous exchange of news/mail (should be
usable also with Souper), dial in and so on. Here is the feature &
history list from 1.1 up to 1.2:


- receiving news from NNTP, posting news to NNTP, receiving mail from
POP3, sending mail to SMTP

- all the packets are exchanged in SOUP format files

- multi-threaded news receiving, several strategies for news

- ability to filter articles by header lines before retrieving the
body text

- status mail generation. The generation can be forced via command
line option, standard is to generate mail in case of failure or
special events (e.g. cannot select newsgroup, new newsgroups, ...)

- shows some statistic information about data transfer

- detects too low throughput or stuck connections

- URLs on command line for easy specification of the several servers

- knows about NNTP-authentication

- YarnIo.Cmd script to do VSoup operation safely (without risc of
message loss etc.) and concurrently (EMail/News transmission /
reception at the same time, News reception from two servers). Give
it a try!

- FAQ included (in this README)

- source code included

- freeware according to GPL (without any warranty for correct
function etc)


- first non-beta release

- more detailed README

- YarnIo enhanced (autodial, disabling specific actions,
configuration file, ...)

- some changes/enhancements/extensions in StsMail.Msg, e.g. command
line parameters are contain, important server names too... (useful
for debugging)

- if supported by the NNTP server, the XHDRs are retrieved to
determine holes in the article sequence

- throughput check (-T option) now replaces the old timeout
detection. It is now working for all operations.

- news reading, strategy parameter:

-S0 groups are read consequent sequentially, i.e. all threads are
fetching articles from only one group

-S1 the next group will be accessed, if one thread goes into
waiting state - only small modification of the above

-S2 it is tried, to keep all threads busy. I.e. each thread
accesses one dedicated group, groups are read parallel (if
there are no more groups to access, the waiting threads are
used for parallel reading from one group)

- more robust (but slower) reading of %HOME%\kill and %HOME%\newsrc.
Because it is slower: clean-up your newsrc from time to time, if
you are using the '-a' option

- bug fixes:

- 'internet connection' settings were never ignored ('-i' did not

- some very minor bug fixes for handling of broken connections

- under some circumstances broken SMTP connection did not produce
an error condition

- bug in kill file handling fixed (trailing blanks in line were
not accepted). Lines in the kill file can now be outcommented
through a '#' as the first non-blank character

- if getArticle() fails, the according connection will be marked
as failed. This lets VSoup die gracefully, if single
connections are cancelled (by whom?)

- signal handling changed: VSoup tries (!) to kill the sub-threads

- number of file handles provided by EMX is now checked

- now compiled with emx09c. During this 'port' it became obvious,
that streams are not appropriate. Thus all file i/o is done
directly via handles (class TFile in

Be aware, that the emx runtime 09c is required (emxrev must show
revisions >= 50). Emx09b perhaps works, but this is not tested.

The 'enhanced' return codes did not make it into this version. Sorry
for the people (Fred) who requested them (next version, next try).

Ahja, VSoup12 can be obtained from the following sites:, later on (the URL for was wrong, because they shifted the archive into another
directory as intended from my side), later on

If anybody wants to copy the archive to another site (just like
Hobbes), she/he is welcome!



Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen