Re: Append different SIGs to news and mail

Richard Steiner (
Sun, 06 Oct 1996 16:50:22 -0500

Here in list.yarn, (Daniel K. Gartmann)
spake unto us, saying:

>I do it with YES, The Yarn Editor Shell for DOS. I believe YEP is the
>OS/2 version.

YEP is a program which is similar in some respects to YES, but the two
programs have different authors.

I remember the YES author saying that he was considering an OS/2 version
of that utility, but haven't seen anything about it recently at all. :-(

-Rich Steiner  >>>--->  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
      Written offline using PC Yarn + Yep + FTE under OS/2 Warp 4
           Ever notice how poems in pig-latin always rhyme?