Re: ANNOUNCE: VSoup version 1.2 for OS/2 Warp

Phil Crown (
Sun, 06 Oct 1996 18:31:22 -0500

>Hello world!
>I am announcing VSoup version 1.2, a Souper replacement for OS/2
>users. It is the successor of the beta version 1.1, is still free
>(and will be forever), source is included, it is still multi-threaded
>only for news receiving. A very enhanced version of YarnIo is
>contained, which allows simultaneous exchange of news/mail (should be
>usable also with Souper), dial in and so on. Here is the feature &
>history list from 1.1 up to 1.2:
>- news reading, strategy parameter:
> -S0 groups are read consequent sequentially, i.e. all threads are
> fetching articles from only one group
> -S1 the next group will be accessed, if one thread goes into
> waiting state - only small modification of the above
> -S2 it is tried, to keep all threads busy. I.e. each thread
> accesses one dedicated group, groups are read parallel (if
> there are no more groups to access, the waiting threads are
> used for parallel reading from one group)


>If anybody wants to copy the archive to another site (just like
>Hobbes), she/he is welcome!

I'll make it available from my Web page (below) also. :-)

Phil Crown