Re: Text Editors?

Michael Gray (
Sat, 05 Oct 1996 11:35:08 -0500

In article <>, (J. Mark Dempsey) wrote:
>I am new to souper yarn for dos and win95 and am wondering which
>text editors are being used well with yarn and also yes version 0.20?
>I am basically trying to get something that works better than the
>editor that comes with dos.

Ah, a subjective question. I don't know about Win95, but I use the
Boxer shareware editor for both DOS and OS/2 Yarn use (and other uses
too.) It's really configurable and can emulate keystrokes for just
about any word processor. I use WordPerfect emulation, but it also
supports Brief, Word, Norton Editor and many more. Last time I
contacted the author, he was working on a Win95 port.

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* * mean they're not out to get you      *
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