Re: Text Editors?

Debra Walker (
Fri, 04 Oct 1996 22:47:34 -0500

On Fri, 04 Oct 1996 10:36:26 -0500, in yarn.list,
article <>, you wrote:

>I am new to souper yarn for dos and win95 and am wondering which
>text editors are being used well with yarn and also yes version 0.20?
>I am basically trying to get something that works better than the
>editor that comes with dos.

I am currently using not GNU for DOS (1.9). This is the not the GNU
Emacs editor. It is similar to GNU Emacs, but it is not as complex. I
really like it, and it works well with Yarn and YES. The price is
right (free!), and I have had no problems running the program under
Win95. This editor does not seem to suck up a lot of resources under
Win95, and, to me, for news/mail reading/writing, not GNU for DOS is
very simple, fast, and reliable. Of course, I am biased, because I
have grown accustomed to running various flavors of EMACS editors over
the past couple of years. Once you get a handle on a few keystroke
combinations for editing messages and articles, it's a breeze :)...

I have forgotten the name of the distribution file, but the
executable is called dnot.exe. I found it recently by searching on, and it is apparently available on SimTel mirrors.
There are also Win95/NT and Windows 3.x versions, too (wnot.exe and
nnot.exe, I think), if you are interested.

I am sure that you will get other suggestions for text editors, as
well. Try a few of them, and you will eventually find the one(s) that
you prefer.

Good luck, and welcome to the wonderful world of Yarn, YES, and Souper

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL