Re: Get News Groups v0.04 for OS/2

Phil Crown (
Fri, 02 Aug 1996 14:21:28 -0500

>In article <>,
> (Phil Crown) wrote:
>>YACL is overkill for this project, I had it compiled, and it ended up
>>about 300k. Now, it won't compile at all, but I'm still working on it.
>The reason YACL (or any GUI library) is needed is that, Win95 and WinNT
>insist that every program has a GUI.
>Ok, you can build a program to be run at a DOS prompt (like, don't call
>any Win* API function, don't start with WinMain), but then, Win* will
>treat it as a DOS program, and give it 16:16 addressing. And you will
>call it a DOS program too, not a Win* program.
>I may be wrong in some of the above. Please correct.

The only reason I used any Class Library was for the string classes. :-)

I've changed everything back to pointers and am not using any class lib
at all now.

I was just told that Win95 uses 0:32 addressing. I wasn't too specific
about GUI or text mode when I asked about it, though.

Gng is a text mode app, and dynamically allocates memory (currently
about 485+k) to sort the newsgroups. 16:16 will not work like this, and
I'm not going to bother with making it work with 16:16, too much

Now I need to know if Win95 text mode apps use 16:16 or 0:32 memory

Phil Crown <>