Re: Get News Groups v0.04 for OS/2

Albert Y.C. Lai (
Fri, 02 Aug 1996 10:49:28 -0400

In article <>, (Phil Crown) wrote:
>YACL is overkill for this project, I had it compiled, and it ended up
>about 300k. Now, it won't compile at all, but I'm still working on it.

The reason YACL (or any GUI library) is needed is that, Win95 and WinNT
insist that every program has a GUI.

Ok, you can build a program to be run at a DOS prompt (like, don't call
any Win* API function, don't start with WinMain), but then, Win* will
treat it as a DOS program, and give it 16:16 addressing. And you will
call it a DOS program too, not a Win* program.

I may be wrong in some of the above. Please correct.

Albert Y.C. Lai