Re: Get News Groups v0.04 for OS/2

Albert Y.C. Lai (
Sat, 03 Aug 1996 12:41:48 -0400

In article <>, (Phil Crown) wrote:
>The only reason I used any Class Library was for the string classes. :-)

Ah... You could write your own, especially since you know which
methods you want to use. :) :)

>Now I need to know if Win95 text mode apps use 16:16 or 0:32 memory

In a private email, Chris Szurgot <> said 0:32 can be
used. Basically, he emailed me to tell me that I was wrong, "period".
He said, Win95/NT do not insist programs to have GUIs, and Win95/NT
console-mode programs can use 0:32 addressing. He is the maintainer
and programmer of the Virtual Unix project for Win95, so I believe him.

He should have posted directly to this mailing list though. That would
save me some typing. :)

Albert Y.C. Lai