Re: Heretical question

Ken Gresham (
Fri, 02 Aug 1996 21:43:01 -0400

In article <>, you wrote:
>I've been a long-time DOS holdout, with YARN being my most-used and favorite

>I"m now using eudora for mail. I was wondering if there was any way to
>convert my yarn files to eudora-readable.

Why stop using yarn just because you're using Win95? It runs perfectly
well in a DOS window on my system. Using a PPP connection, I telnet into
my shell account, package my mail and news with uqwk using OLMenu as an
interface (, and
transfer it via ftp. No problems at all, and I still get to use my
favorite newsreader! Yarn95 gives yarn some of the advantages of the
Windows 95 system (long filenames, etc.).

Ken Gresham