Re: yarn for *8086 dos*?

From: Tim Maddletin (
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 09:47:09 -0500

Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:26:52 -0600,
Gregory Perron <> wrote:
>Can anyone help me? Chin? what's the last version that worked on an 8086,
>and where can I get it?

According to my info, the last version to run on an XT was version
0.83 (due to Chin changing compilers, or some such thing). We have a
version of it at ...

but that is bundled with our custom installer (which should work fine
for anyone, but offers default settings for our free-net). If you can
do an ftp search for you will probably find it still out
there somewhere...

  Tim Myddletan =-=-=-= you do not want to know =-=-=-= x @ veX . net
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