yarn for *8086 dos*?

From: Gregory Perron (perrong@medicine.wustl.edu)
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:26:52 -0600

I am about to go on vacation, and would *love* to get my hands on a copy of
yarn which will run on an 8086. Unforutnately, the oldest version I have
is 0.91, which will not run. :(

Can anyone help me? Chin? what's the last version that worked on an 8086,
and where can I get it?

PS: I don't know if I"m currently subscribed to this list (though I was for
many years..) please also CC to me @ gaperron@nyx.net.

Gregory Perron              We did not inherit the earth from our fathers;
perrong@medicine.wustl.edu  we are borrowing it from our children.