Re: yarn for *8086 dos*?

From: Larry Caldwell (
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 13:46:13 -0800

Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:26:52 -0600 Gregory Perron <> wrote:

> I am about to go on vacation, and would *love* to get my hands on a copy of
> yarn which will run on an 8086. Unforutnately, the oldest version I have
> is 0.91, which will not run. :(

Well, 0.91 runs fine under DOS, though maybe not on an 8086. I do know
that it will run on an XT-class machine if it has the NEC processor chip.
The 8088 equivalent is the V20, the 8086 equivalent is the V30. Just
pop the old chip out and plug the new one in. The V20/V30 instruction
set is the 286 real mode instruction set, so it will also support
buffered UARTS and high speed modems.

Yarn on an XT is real slow, but runs fine. The V20 chip is $5 to $15,
depending on where you get it.

-- Larry