expire -r question in yarn

From: Stefan A. Deutscher (sad@ibm.net)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 97 00:52:36

I have a little question regarding the 'expire' command:
My news.dat file is about 17 MB, and no matter how much it
expires, it stays at 17 MB. I'd assume the thing would shrink

expire -r
[lots of things being reported...]
600 articles (1154312 bytes) deleted
[22] E:/TMP> ls -l e:/bin/gnu/yarn/news.dat
-rw-a-- 17114879 Jan 27 00:43 e:/bin/gnu/yarn/news.dat
[23] E:/TMP>

(exactly the same size as before!) I am running
Souper v1.5 - transfer POP3 mail and NNTP news to SOUP
[25] E:/TMP> expire
PC Yarn version 0.92

Any ideas? Thanks! Stefan

Stefan A. Deutscher | (+1-423-) voice fax
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | UTK : 974-7838 974-7843
Department of Physics and Astronomy | ORNL : 574-5897 574-1118
401, A. H. Nielsen Building | home : 522-7845 522-7845
Knoxville, T.N. 37996-1200, USA | email: sad@utk.edu
Dictated with OS/2 Warp 4 VoiceType dictation.