Re: Move to newsgroup

From: Nik Ahmad Fahmi (
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 20:49:40 -0800

In article <>, (A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes) wrote:
>Tim, I think you are misunderstanding his question. He is not having
>a problem with filtering. He just wants to move the first message(s)
>he received from his *INBOX* to the pseudo-newsgroup. It didn't get
>filtered because until he received the first message he didn't have
>enough information about the headers to set up the filter.

Why not press <Insert> on that particular mail to unread it, come out from
the mailbox and go in again. That mail should now be processed by the
filter he created.


Nik Ahmad Fahmi                                e-mail: