Yarn/2 Bells and Whistles

From: Tim Middletin (hello-yarners@see.my.sig)
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 02:45:38 -0500

Just to make it "official". The "Yarn/2 Bells and Whistles" page is
moved, as doubtless many have already discovered. The new URL is:


It should be there for a while, hopefully. Also the "new & improved"
version has been put online, although it's still not quite done --
it's done "enough" to be usable -- i was anxious to make it active
because it has updated links, as well as some expanded and added

The text-only index for it is not done yet, but page still should be
pretty usable by lynxers... just a bit ugly where the tables are

Many thanks to everyone who's offered positive feedback over the

I have a hit counter (and other stats) installed on it now. While i
had a method of tracking hits on my old site i mostly ignored it. Now
with the hit numbers right on the page, i'm actually genuinely
(pleasantly) surprised to see how active the page seems to be!

  Tim Middletyn =-= with love and tomato sandwiches =-= x @ veX . net
  -=-=-= read Macbeth by William Shakespeare, scary stuff kids =-=-=-                                         
    Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page: http://www.vex.net/~x/bells2.phtml
        * January 21st * International Day of my Favorite Novel