YarnPack BUG found....

From: Tim Moddleton (hello-yarners@see.my.sig)
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 10:14:50 -0500

Good news (maybe)! Last night i finally located a definite bug in
YarnPack. And fixed it. And so far, having done many and multiple
import / expire / yarnpack runs all morning (wheh), i haven't been
able to produce any more "assertion" failures.

This doesn't mean for sure that YOU won't be able to succeed where
i've failed, and produce your own lovely assertion failures -- only
one way to find out.


Here is the revision history:

Version 1.2 - fixed semi-serious bug
- added another integrity check for above bug
- will fix news.dat broken by above bug, if found with /I
- added detailed description of error messages to docs
- YarnPack reports news.dat offsets with most errors.
- status updates only every approximate 500k now

and here is an excerpt from the updated docs that explains what the
error turned out to be, for anyone who wonders... it was of course, an
extremely simple (and therefore stupid) error, but it was in a
completely different place than i had been suspecting and watching!

The first 4 bytes of the news.dat file should point to the
header of the last article in the file. This was being
screwed up before, unfortunately. The good news is that
if YarnPack detects this error it will attempt to fix it
on the spot, and should almost immediately inform you that
it's now fixed, if all went well (and it should go well!).

I would encourage anyone who has been playing with yarnpack to run
REBUILD -OS just to make sure we are starting from a clean slate --
then, if you feel adventurous, see how the new yarnpack goes...

of course... pester me relentlessly here, with as much detail as
possible, on the list if you experience continuing problems...

(Oh one last thing! At around 8:30 am (EST) i uploaded ynpack12.zip to
my website... it had the wrong files zipped in it! It was there for
about 1.5 hours before i realised and uploaded a corrected archive. In
the extremely remote chance that anyone actually noticed it, and
downloaded it before reading this message, make sure your ynpack12.zip
is 49906 bytes, the time-stamps in the zip should be all 09:54)

  Tim Meddleton =-=-=-=- with love and squalor -=-=-=-= x @ veX . net
  -=-=-= The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien, my preciouses =-=-=-                                         
    Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page: http://www.vex.net/~x/bells2.phtml
      * January 21st * International Day of Illegible Handwriting