Re: Trying to Locate Ken Gresham

From: Dirk A. Loedding (
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 16:40:20 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, David Goldfield wrote:

> Hi. This message is somewhat off-topic, but I'm not sure where else to
> turn. I use Ken Gresham's sonr script to download uqwk packets, which I
> then read with Yarn. All was working fine, until my provider did some
> changing around with the news server. Supposedly, things are working fine
> but they are not. I can read newsgroups online, but when I run sonr or
> olmenu it shows me the groups I'm subscribed to, but packs no articles in
> them as though the groups were all empty, which I know they're not. I'm
> attempting to contact Ken Gresham and can't seem to reach him at the
> address I had for him, which was Does he monitor
> this list? Does anyone know where he can be contacted? Thanks in
> advance.

Last I knew, he was indeed still at the address you mentioned. He
doesn't tend to check that address all that frequently, though...but it's
the only one I have. I do know he was on this list at one time... Good
luck tracking him down...though once you do, he'll be quite helpful, I'm

One suggestion for you...They might have reset all the message numbers in
all the newsgroups. That happened here before, and the solution was to
go in and play around with my .newsrc. Actually, what I did was delete
my .newsrc and resubscribe to the newsgroups I wanted...seemed to be the
simplest, cleanest way...and, since Yarn will reject duplicates, well, it
sure made things easier.
