Re: Trying to Locate Ken Gresham

From: Jim Tucker (
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 17:26:13 +1030

>One suggestion for you...They might have reset all the message numbers in
>all the newsgroups. That happened here before, and the solution was to
>go in and play around with my .newsrc. Actually, what I did was delete
>my .newsrc and resubscribe to the newsgroups I wanted...seemed to be the
>simplest, cleanest way...and, since Yarn will reject duplicates, well, it
>sure made things easier.

Better than .newsrc is simply create your own list. Call it .mynewsrc.
'uqwk -n +n +L -N.mynewsrc'. It also works with 'tin -f .mynewsrc'

One idea I use is delete .newsrc. tin will create a new one next time
you run it. Rename it to DOS name and sz. Use a sort program to put it
in alpha order. You now have a handy list of all newsgroups. Makes it
easier to pick out the ones you want for your .mynewsrc list.

One other trap is ISP changing to remote server. Then uqwk needs to
be recompiled and name of server added to the environment. Same if they
have changed the location of news. See what 'uqwk -p' has to say.

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