Re: Read/Unread

From: Mikus Grinbergs (
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 10:55:07 -0600

In article <>, (A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes) wrote:
> In article <>,
> (Mikus Grinbergs) wrote:
> >One advantage of the existing handling of score files is that the
> >user can CHANGE the score file and then exit Yarn. Upon starting
> >Yarn and entering the newsgroup again, the NEW score file will be
> >applied. If score files were only processed at 'import', the
> >effect of new/changed rules would not be applied to articles
> >already in the database.
> I thought this would only happen if you deleted the old saved scores in
> %HOME%\yarn\scores\saved\.

I stand corrected.

[But just now I ran a test (I've got OS/2 Yarn 0.92). I added an
extra rule to my largest newsgroup, exited Yarn, restarted Yarn,
and looked at that newsgroup. The articles affected by the new
rule HAD been marked as "read". I guess the "saved" needs to be
deleted if that article had previously been assigned a score (or
perhaps if the article was marked "read" before?) Go figure.]
