ok that's enough of that subject line

From: Tim Middletyn (hello-yarners@see.my.sig)
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 07:17:52 -0500

Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:05:10 +0100, bv@bigblue.no (B. Vermo) wrote:
>According to my Warp 4 online documentation, CP 437 has now been
>officially obsoleted even in the US, and CP 850 is supposed to be the
>default codepage there...

Really? Maybe i should take a look at that sometime. (-: Maybe it had
something to do with my setup of Warp 3 that i upgraded -- though i
had switched that to CP 850.

Ah well. Doesn't really matter. I've switched it to 850 now... nice to
be back to normal (ie. Livewire dialing directory being messed up, the
corners of the full screen RAR interface being messed up, etc etc...
heheh.. it's good, because seeing it is a constant reminder to me to
try and make things more internationally compatible when if i can!)

  Tim Maddletyn =-=-=-=- with love and squalor -=-=-=-= x @ veX . net
  -=- drop everything & read The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis -=-                                         
    Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page: http://www.vex.net/~x/bells2.html
        * January 20th * International Day of the Reboot Button