Re: YEP 1.5 Q about RNDL

From: Jens Bang (
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 04:36:48 +0100

In article <sXk4ygHAA45Y092yn@y.z>, (Tim Middletan) wrote:
>>The problem is that not all
>>my taglines have the same length, so how do I place the last |?
>I have often wished that bloody lazy programmer of YEP would put in
>more formatting control (notably: center)... but god only knows if
>he ever will... since i am he... )-:

If you can't get him to listen, try telling his wife to have him put in the
functionality. She might be better at talking to him. ;-)

>So, your work around is:
>> | If money talks, Being a SysOp is pretty quiet! |
>Go through your tagline file and preformat format all the lines...
> | If money talks, Being a SysOp is pretty quiet! |
> | Some other tagline... |
> | Yet another teg line |
> | Still another witty tagline. They never end... |
>Then import entire preformatted lines... with RNDL

I had hoped to get another answer, since this file is ahred by my Internet
software and my Fidonet software. And I can't use this format in my Fidonet

BTW do you know any reason why YEP doesn't substitute my defined
substitution codes, when I call it from my Fidonet software, but do it fine
when called form Yarn? The weird part is, that it works fine the first
time, i.e. before entering my editor, it is the codes that I put in while
editing that doesn't get substituted.


CUL8R dude! \|/ @ @ Jens +-----------------------oOO-(_)-OOo-----------------------+ | Internet CompuServe 100437,2475 | | FidoNet 2:235/142 VirNet 9:451/238 | | OS2Net 81:445/49 Fax +45 - 3537 - 7006 | +---------------------------------------------------------+ Press any key to continue or any other key to quit