Re: YEP 1.5 Q about RNDL

From: Tim Myddletyn (
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 23:57:01 -0500

Mon, 20 Jan 1997 04:36:48 +0100, (Jens Bang) wrote:
>I had hoped to get another answer, since this file is ahred by my Internet
>software and my Fidonet software. And I can't use this format in my Fidonet

Make another copy just for use with Yep. <-:

>BTW do you know any reason why YEP doesn't substitute my defined
>substitution codes, when I call it from my Fidonet software,

YEP is currently hard coded only to traslate only filenames with
*.snd extention sent through it. If you can configure your software to
use a filename with that extention then yep will work. Or run yep from
a batch file that patches the filename before calling yep, and then
fixes it again before going back to whatever program you are using.

The lazy programmer is in fact actually working on this... because a
friend of his wants to use YEP with MR2/ice... I have a test version
here that allows some filename configurability -- i may post it as a
new beta soon -- although i don't use MR2/ice myself, i have tested it
out, and YEP works quite well with it.

(Email me, if you can figure out my email address (-:, if you are
anxious and can't wait and want to try the current makeshift Yep

  Tim Middleten =-=-=-= you do not want to know =-=-=-= x @ veX . net
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