Re: YEP 1.5 Q about RNDL

From: Jens Bang (
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 23:03:01 +0100

In article <>, (Jens Bang) wrote:
>I had hoped to get another answer, since this file is ahred by my Internet
>software and my Fidonet software. And I can't use this format in my Fidonet

The word ahred should have been shared. Sorry about that. :-)


CUL8R dude! \|/ @ @ Jens +-----------------------oOO-(_)-OOo-----------------------+ | Internet CompuServe 100437,2475 | | FidoNet 2:235/142 VirNet 9:451/238 | | OS2Net 81:445/49 Fax +45 - 3537 - 7006 | +---------------------------------------------------------+ 640K barrier: the finish line in a mega-marathon