Re: Tim, äh Tom, äh Tym, Tum, Tam, Tem (in Germany also possible: Täm Töm Tüm...)

From: B. Vermo (
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:09:06 +0100

In article <>, (Larry Caldwell) wrote:
|Oops. I spoke too soon. Your *incoming* email subject overview
|displayed the umlauts properly, but the subject listing in (R)eplies
|did not. Strange.
Not really. Official Internet standards prohibit the use of other than
a subset of old 7-bit USASCII in header lines. Characters outside that
set must be encoded in a special way as per RFC 1522:


This memo describes an extension to the message format defined in RFC
1521 [1], to allow the representation of character sets other than
ASCII in RFC 822 (STD 11) message headers. The extensions described
were designed to be highly compatible with existing Internet mail
handling software, and to be easily implemented in mail readers that
support RFC 1521.

Many mail and news servers will delete any 8-bit characters in all
headers, while others only will clean out address fields.