Re: Tim, äh Tom, äh Tym, Tum, Tam, Tem (in Germany also possible: Täm Töm Tüm...)

From: Tim Maddleten (
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 19:35:16 -0500

Fri, 17 Jan 1997 14:41:10 +0100, (B. Vermo) wrote:
>So why did it originate from Are they also for
>some reason masquerading? Or is a 'subsidiary' of freenet?

Ah all the mystery.... wheh. Well i'm a support/tech volunteer at
Durham Freenet, so i do most of my mail from there, being active
there -- it's important to actually use the place so i can see what
happens when things screw up. However my new account is
becoming my new email address of choice, do to the funky "procmail"
scripts/filters i'm setting up there to do various secret things. <-;

Everything is in flux.

  Tim Myddletan =-=-=-=- with love and squalor -=-=-=-= x @ vex . net
  -=-=-= read The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky now =-=-=-                                         
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