Re: more then 1 user om MSDOS + questions

From: Tim Meddletyn (
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 19:21:20 -0500

Fri, 17 Jan 1997 11:42:10 +0100 (MET), Ray Vermey <> wrote:
>BTW: isnt there a way in Yarn to translate emailaddresses like yours to the
>'normal' email addresses ?

An interesting idea. Though being the capricious bastard I am it
wouldn't do much good in dealing with me seeing as i tend to use
random elements in many places, and get bored and change certain
things around often.

I suppose the closest one could get to your suggestion would be OS/2
users of YEP... they could theoretically set up a bunch of header

but they'd have to watch for this and go up and manually delete the
original To: header that yarn generated... er... far from ideal
solution to that puzzle, highly impractical, etc etc...

Interesting idea though...

  Tim Middleten =-=-= not all who wander are lost =-=-= x @ vex . net
  -=-= read Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll many many times =-=-                                         
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