Re: regular expression to kill Lines:

From: Hardy Griech (
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 17:26:57 +0100

On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 07:58:43 -0600, (Phil Crown) wrote:
> Also, what the difference between grep, egrep, and fgrep?

Snippet from 'man grep':

There are three major variants of grep, controlled by the
following options.
-G Interpret pattern as a basic regular expression
(see below). This is the default.
-E Interpret pattern as an extended regular expression
(see below).
-F Interpret pattern as a list of fixed strings, sepa-
rated by newlines, any of which is to be matched.
In addition, two variant programs egrep and fgrep are
available. Egrep is similiar (but not identical) to
grep -E, and is compatible with the historical Unix egrep.
Fgrep is the same as grep -F.

> I'm now using these to kill messages with lines <= 99
> Header ^Lines: [0-9]$
> Header ^Lines: [0-9][0-9]$

Good idea...

BTW: next release of VSoup will also allow minimum limit of article

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen