Re: Move to newsgroup

From: Mark (
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 11:32:38 -0600

In article <>, (Mikael St=E5ldal) said something like:
>In article <7Sd2ygHAAQOA092yn@y.z>,
> (Tim Moddletun) wrote:
>>>Is it possible to move a message from INBOX p=E5 a newsgroup (not to a
>>>folder). When I try, it just creates a folder with the same name as th=
>>If the newsgroup exists then the message will be filtered to it, if the
>>newsgroup does not exist then a folder will be created.
>Yarn 0.92 creates a folder even if the newsgroup exists.
>>So you need to use
>>the NEWGROUP utility that comes with yarn to create the pseudo-newsgrou=
>>you want to filter to -before- attempting to filter...
>I have done that, but it still doesn't work.

I believe this is because you created the filter before newgroup'ing the
group. This was a bug (feature?) of earlier versions of Yarn. I guess it'=
still there. If I remember correctly (always a dicey proposition), you ne=
to delete the filter and recreate it. The group is supposed to exist befo=
the filter is set up.

I'm sure someone will correct my aging memory...

Created using Yarn version 0.92 on Jan 15, 1997
Additional effects by YES version 0.22