Re: Error message when doing expire.

From: Tim Maddletyn (
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 03:07:44 -0500

Fri, 10 Jan 1997 23:32:51 -0800, (Cthulhu) wrote:
> Okay. . .I didn't think it was totally related to yarnpack. But then
> again, it was the only software that I've installed that has interacted
> with Yarn. =-)

Well you can't be too paranoid. It *could* be related to Yarnpack. Who
knows, for sure. (-: Not me. I wouldn't rule any possibility out, without
more information...

>* c:\Apps\DOS\Yarn\news.dat integrity check... BAD! (unsynced history)

Interesting. Your safest bet sure be definitely "rebuild -s". What that
error message means is that you've got a different number of message ID's
stored in your history.pag than messages in your news.dat. (i should have
made it more descriptive to say which had more and which had less... must
remember that)... I have no idea what could have caused it, or even if it's
an extremely abnormal situation. But to be on the safe side I make yarnpack
treat it as a serious problem -- because it could mean your history.pag is
corrupt... possibly. A "rebuild -h" would proably fix that problem... but
if you are resetting the import counters with rebuild -h you might as well
go all the way with a rebuild -s and make sure everything is rebuilt.

That's my theory anyhow!

> BTW, is there a DOS version of Moon Phase? My brother likes astronomy

I have a dos version of command line program to spit out the calculation.

> and I'd bet he would love to have that X-Moon-Phase: header. BTW, I

That could be tricky without yep... <G>

> 'uue' feature, as YPOST can only do 1000 line posts, and I need
> something like 9000 lines. Can YEP do this? Will there be a port? ;-)

No there won't be a port. I programmed it too reliant too many OS/2 (or at
least 32 bit flat memory) assumptions. It would probably be easier to
reprogram from scratch rather than port it to dos! And i don't want to
reprogram it from scratch either. (-: Myabe the next version of YES will
have what you need....

not sure why you require YPost... Ypost is a part of YES. Isn't it a
program that converts text files to SOUP? (you can tell i'm not familiar
with it). Couldn't you uuencode your files outside of yarn and then import
them into your text editor inside yarn?

Hmm, 9000 lines of uuencode is about 540k. Definitely stretching the limits
of conventional DOS memory... of course one could program a text to soup
converter that didn't use any (signifcant) memory... putting a dummy
header, and copying in the text line by line, and then when the size is
calculated go back and patch the header... one could do that if one
programmed... (-:

Another exercise for someone...

  Tim Middletin =-= not all who wander are lost =-= as544
  -=-= read some classic "fantasy" in Lilith by George MacDonald =-=-
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