Stupid Yarf Tricks

From: Tim Muddletun (
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 14:05:46 -0500

I just thought up another potentially useful Yarf hack... if you make
a definition like this somewhere near the top of your Yarf.cfg (to give
it highest priority):

"^X-Ok: "::"your@real.adr (name)"

Then you will have control while in your editor to put your real
address/name in the "From:" header of any message by going up and
adding that "X-Ok: whatever" header (with some value of some kind, so Yarn
doesn't strip it out). Imagine that, on any crazy irresponsible whim you
could actually suddenly decided to send your Real address with a post (-;

Here's another twist on that concept. If you have multiple Email addresses
and would like control, while in your editor, as to which one shows up in
your message header (wow, an almost completely legit use for Yarf here!
<-: ) you could make a definition in your Yarf.cfg for each address like:

"^X-Adr: dfn"::" (my name)"
"^X-Adr: tfn"::" (my name)"
"^X-Adr: io"::" (not my name)"

That way you could at any time go up and add the particular "X-Adr:" header
with the appropriate value and Yarf will do the rest to make sure the
desired address is on that message.

Again, make sure any definitions such as above are near the top of your
Yarf definitions so they get the highest priority and will be scanned

  Tim Middletun =-= the Wood between the Worlds =-= as544
  -=-=-=- time to read C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia again -=-=-=-
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        * January 11th * International Day of Thirty Milligrams