Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: Dirk A. Loedding (
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 10:46:24 -0500 (Ben C. O. Grimm - Libertatis Praesidium NL -) wrote:

>A serious warning for anyone considering this move (changing the
>"From:"-line to prevent spam): make sure to use your correct
>e-mail address when (un)subscribing to/from mailing lists!

As the maintainer of several mailing lists, I can't agree more
emphatically! I couldn't begin to count how many times I've had to
manually unsubscribe someone *immediately* after they'd subscribed,
because the "Welcome to the list" message bounced due to their altered
from line. To put it mildly, it's rather annoying.

|   Dirk A. Loedding               <*>        |