Re: And now for something completely almost different...

From: Phil Crown (
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 16:53:06 -0600

>Fri, 10 Jan 1997 06:55:50 -0600, (Phil Crown) wrote:
>>You told me to always use the Reply-to field when replying to you.
>Well you should always, in all circumstances, reply to a reply-to field, if
>one exists -- it has a higher priority.

[mucho deleted... did you install Voice Type with Warp v4? :-)]

>It's hard to fight spam... they have a lot on their side -- the internet is
>wide open -- the only way to really fight it is to get everyone to leave
>the internet. If everyone leaves the internet then spammers will stop. (-:
>Next best thing is to keep a low profile and make your privacy a priority
>-- as has already been expounded here, most (the vast vast majority) aren't
>even aware of how much info about them is being archived out there by
>unknown people. Most people have no idea that netscape is sending their
>email address to every web site they visit (there are ways around this, as
>also discussed, but MOST people have no idea)...

Netscape v2.02 for OS/2 doesn't send out email addresses, at least the
Anonymizer couldn't get it from me.

In fact, it got relatively little from me at all, and nothing that I
would consider important.

btw, I like Yarf!, nice hack!!

Phil Crown